What is Île Four Sake?
Île Four: the name stands for the four islands of Japan – and for an exciting range of Premium and Innovative Sake Products.
Île Four Premium Sake – one of the purest drinks imaginable, we offer a selection of three extra refined Sake,Premium, Premium Select and Limited Edition that represents the best of the available different grades and levels of Sake. Perfect to accompany a good meal or for mixing extraordinary Cocktails!
Île Four Fruit and Sparkling Sake – our Yuzu Sake is pure refreshment thanks to the amazing flavors brought in by the Yuzu Citrus fruit, and our Peach Sake is poesy in peach – especially when combined with our double-fermented Sparkling Sake for a ‘Sake Bellini’
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Who we are
Île Four is a young, innovative company that has set itself the goal to turn Premium Sake and similar great products into popular elements of Western culture. Île Four is also a team of Sake Lovers and Sake Experts that combine deep knowledge of the product with an understanding of the needs and wants of a western audience. We break with preconceived notions of how things ‘ought to be’ and we strongly believe that the things that really count are the quality of products and the enjoyment they provide to the consumer!
Therefore we propose a modern image for a very traditional product and we aim to help western customers understand what is truly great about our Sake: the amazing purity of a drink that consists solely of rice that has been polished to the bare, super pure core, soft protected well water and traditional brewing agents, and the utterly surprising refined complexity and smoothness that our experienced master craftsmen coax from these ingredients. Try our Premium Sake and it will change your mind.

"[Yuzu Sake] over a lot of ice - an incredibly good taste..."
Carola Maack, essen & trinken

"Île Four Yuzu: le saké qui fera sensation cet été"
hotellerie et gastronomie June 13 2013

"...Sake with Citrus by Île Four ... Mmh!"

"So schön perlt es nur im Sommer... Eine gelungene Liason geht die Yuzu in diesem Fall mit Sake ein..."
Sebastian Bordthäuser, Welt

Sie ist der Freak unter den Früchten: Yuzu. Denn diese Zitrusfrucht aus Japan lässt einen wahrhaftig vor Genuss erschaudern."
Nina Wessely, Gourmetreise

"Sprachschule für Bartender
Île Four präsentiert Sake erfrischend anders
Mit Île Four schickt sich ein risikofreudiger Unternehmer und Japan-Liebhaber an, Sake in die Sprache der Europäer zu übersetzen. Keine exotischen Schriftzeichen auf der Flasche, keine komplizierten Erklärungen - Île Four möchte es dem Gegenüber einfach machen."
Mixology 2/2012

"Zum Wohl
Dieser trinkbare Obstsalat für Erwachsene Japaner erfrischt auch Langnasen: 20% Yuzu-Saft meets Premium Sake. Schmeckt eiskalt oder auf Eis."
Effilee 22, Herbst 2012

"Warum immer nur Bier, Schorle, Limo oder Wasser trinken, wenn die Luft
endlich vor Hitze flirrt? Probieren Sie doch mal die neuen Sommerdrinks
wie Yuzu Sake..."
Sebastian Bordthäuser, Welt

"...ungewöhnlich moderne und gradlinige Design für das japanische Traditionsprodukt..."
Mixology 50, 4/2012

"CAIPI YUZU (the recipe...)"