AUSTRIA: Kleinoscheg


Kleinoscheg was founded by Johann und Ludwig Kleinoscheg in 1849 as the first "Steyrische Champagnerfabrik" and ascended to the status of k.u.k. Hoflieferanten (imperial suppliers) already in 1871. 
Today, Kleinoscheg serves Austrian high end gastronomy and hotel companies with an assortment of sparkling and still wines. Likewise, it supplies retailers and wholesalers with exclusive Austrian and international drinks and specialities.

Kleinoscheg now includes in its assortment also Île Four fruit and premium Sake!


Kleinoscheg Sekt- und Weinhandels GmbH | Gewerbepark Gleisdorf-Albersdorf | Heinz-Stoiser-Strasse 10  | 8200 Gleisdorf  | Austria |  Tel. +43(0)3112/36200 | Fax +43(0)3112/36200-20 | 

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